°<" \\Communicating ideas
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It was a course landed by Paulo and Saùl based on how communicate our ideas. Simply this was a course to improve our story telling, because every project has a different designer, story and meaning. Every things (object, people, landscape etc...) has a story, the human brain is made up of cognitive machinery necessary to recognize remember and tell story; KNOWLEDGE is an addittion of various storty that remain in the history as a cultaral,politcs, way to live or cooking (etc..) topics.
Every story has a concept and every concept has to been explained to a person by society or story or ethical; each concept comes out from a Time and a Context so an important method is to look at that with a zoom in or a zoom out.
Each story has to answer at different question, who? where? what? how? why? for whom?
Context when and where story take place (PLACE and TIME)
Character who is the story telling about?
Point of view who tells the story?
Argument why and how?
We understand that we need to generate an emotional connection with your stories
A CAPTIVE START (3 seconds)
DETAILS give credibility
METAPHORS (exageration/curiosity)
WOW !!! movie ending
I choose to use for now this media to try to involve people in what I'm doing here. I think that for now is only just a prototype about what I wanna do, because I think I'll have to creat more quality content but for now is good like that (maybe in a future I'll have a social media manger xD).
In this account you could find my MDEF's journey with a funny way to explain my point of view and my projects. I choose this approach because I think that you'll involve people and create community with eye-catching/funny/spontaneus post, so if people are interested they could have a look on my website (post's description has always a website's reminder).
This account is made to show my MDEF journey project, but also to explore who I am. So you'll find some random photo of me or also I made some higlites story to show my previous project and like create a sort of story telling about my design carrer.